Create campaigns efficiently with CURIO templates and customized campaigns

Huge collection of campaign apps, with over 50 ready-to-go templates. Based on your detailed requests, tailor-made campaigns can be delivered for the best brand experience.


O2O connection to link offline stores with online

CURIO LBS (location-based-services) Center to better drive traffic from online to offline stores with convenient user guidance.

Better and more accurate identification on each store visitor, to be leveraged for targeted store promotion, or exclusive events.


Agile Segmented post

Operators can group or tag users using different criteria.

Allow brands to send targeted messages to specific user groups.

Marketing messages can be more targeted and more effective.


Omni-Channel Acquisition

Track the performance of different acquisition channels through QR code.

Set Internal acquisition KPIs.

Segment by acquisition channel to facilitate targeted communication, to never lose contact with any customer.

Allow specific welcome messages based on acquisition source to personalise and optimize the user experience.


Look into Data from Every Possible Angle

User-Based Data

Campaign Based Data

Summary Data


View and manage all users in one place

Manage user information and messages.

Analyse in-depth user profiles.

Split users into groups. Save customized filters and re-utilise these filters for segmented communication.


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